DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 18. - 21. März 2019

Rostock - New market
Rostock harbor


We would like to thank the following sponsors of DAGA 2019 for their kind support.

Gold Sponsor of DAGA 2019

BSW Berleburger Schaumstoffwerk GmbH, Bad Berleburg

Silver Sponsor of DAGA 2019

Rostock Business Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Technologieförderung Rostock mbH, Rostock

Bronze Sponsor of DAGA 2019

HEAD acoustics GmbH, Herzogenrath

Companies are invited to support DAGA 2019 conference by joining one of the several proposed opportunities for sponsorship, advertising and donating.

Please find here our proposals in English (PDF, 1 MB).

Your Contact person:

Julia Schneiderheinze
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.
Phone: +49 - 30 / 340 60 38 - 04
Fax: +49 - 30 / 340 60 38 - 10
Email: tagungen@dega-akustik.de