(siehe auch: Open Science in Acoustics, gemeinsame Session)
Authors, reviewers and publishers typically tend to prefer the publication
of novel and positive results. In consequence, this publication bias hides
negative results, replication studies and issues about irreproducibility.
Thus, without the knowledge about negative results of others, different
groups of researchers investigate similar techniques that were
previously shown to be unsuccessful without being published, resulting
in the waste of time and money.
Similarly, researchers typically base their investigations on
scientific outcomes of previously conducted studies.
The lack of reproducibility of such studies is often not investigated,
which questions not only the new results but also the original.
The session of negative results and irreproducibility in acoustics aims at collecting experiences about such research outcomes. Researchers from the field of acoustics are called to provide insight into their (unexpected) negative results.
We expect high quality reports that clearly state why the results are unexpected and what has been done in order to replicate a previous study. Furthermore, the orginally expected results shall be reported and potential reasons for deviations investigated.